Node.js is an open-source, event-driven platform built with the Google V8 JavaScript engine. It’s used for scalable web applications that need live interaction between a server and the online users and can tremendously enhance the performance of any Internet site that uses it. Node.js is intended to process HTTP web requests and responses and incessantly provides little bits of information. For instance, in case a new user fills in a subscription form, as soon as any information is entered in one of the fields, it is sent to the server even if the other boxes are not filled and the user hasn’t clicked any button, so the info is handled a whole lot faster. In contrast, traditional systems wait for the whole form to be filled and one huge chunk of information is then submitted to the server. No matter how small the difference in the processing speed may be, things change in case the website expands and there are many persons using it at the same time. Node.js can be used for booking sites, real-time browser-based games or live chat software, for instance, and a lot of companies, among them LinkedIn, eBay and Yahoo, have already incorporated it into their services.