In case you've ever had a cloud hosting account before or you have dealt with any other kind of online service, you are probably aware from personal experience that for certain things it's better to consult with a live person over the phone rather than exchange support tickets or email messages. If you want to learn more about a particular service before you decide to order it or in case something small needs to be made, for example, it is far easier and quicker to do it real-time. If you have the option to get hold of representatives by phone, it is also very likely that you're dealing with an actual hosting supplier, not a reseller. The level of support that you will get over the telephone varies between different companies - from common issues to professional technical support. Usually the majority of suppliers supply pre-sales assistance and 1st level phone support, while more complex tech issues are resolved via e-mail or tickets.
Phone Support in Cloud Hosting
Since we have live telephone support 14 hours per day, you'll be able to contact us and speak with one of our customer support representatives to learn more about all of the Linux cloud hosting packages that we offer and ensure that our servers match the system requirements for your websites prior to you buying anything. For your convenience, we have telephone numbers on three different continents so that you can call the one closer to you - in the U.S.A., the United Kingdom or Australia. In case you're already an existing customer, you'll be able to call about general and billing issues, and even about some tech ones. If the trouble is strictly technical or it can take more time to investigate, you will have to employ our ticketing system, which will allow both you and our technical support team to keep track of the information provided by either side.