Thanks to the cloud hosting package, you could have an infinite number of websites within just a single web hosting account. Enjoy infinite disk space and traffic allocations. Generate an unrestricted number of e–mails and also MySQL databases. You’ll have all you need so as to run a wide range of websites simultaneously.
Enterprise Package
Enterprise hosting at
€15.18/mo.Examine our services with a 30 days completely free trial. No credit card information required.
Enhanced Service Stability and Security
A cloud web hosting system based on security–upgraded Linux–driven web hosting servers
Our servers are running a security–improved Linux distribution, which makes them perfectly–protected and dependable. We’ve put a lot of time and energy into developing a safe system that is capable to withstand massive hacker or denial–of–service attacks without any disturbances to the web hosting service or affecting your own web site’s overall performance.
Solid–State Drives
Quickly increase the speed of your website
If you wish to give your site a speed boost, all you need to do is simply to host it with us. All our cloud hosting servers are furnished with solid–state disks, so on every physical machine you’ll benefit from exceptional read and write speeds, which will make your web site truly fast.
With the excellent Internet connectivity provided by all our cloud web hosting Datacenters, your web site will begin to load significantly faster without the need for any additional configurations on your end.
A safe web application firewall program
All our cloud hosting packs have ModSecurity by default. ModSecurity is a small Apache module that does a splendid job – it functions as a web app firewall, successfully guarding all your sites against hack attacks. What’s more it all happens momentarily, without you having to configure or tweak anything. Your web sites will become shielded the very next moment you host them with us.
Multiple Data Centers
Cloud hosting solutions on three different continents
Our cloud hosting network stretches across several continents – America (the Steadfast data center in Chicago, IL, USA), Europe (the Pulsant datacenter facility in Maidenhead, United Kingdom, the Ficolo underground data center in Pori, Finland and the Telepoint data center in Sofia, Bulgaria) and Australia (the Amaze datacenter in Sydney). This suggests that, no matter where you actually reside, you’ll be able to pick a datacenter that’s close to your target website visitors. Thus, you will warrant the most quick tenable site load speeds for all of them. You will be able to pick your datacenter facility any time with a simple mouse click on the order page.
Web Accelerators
A variety of software tools to increase your web sites’ speed
Conveniently integrated in the Website Control Panel you will find an array of Website Accelerator Programs aimed at speeding up your dynamic, database–driven web sites. By caching content, these software tools significantly reduce the number of times a database is accessed and thus minimize the server load. This helps your sites open faster and will decrease the bounce rates. You can select between three web accelerator tools – Memcached, Node.js and Varnish.
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Service guarantees
- Our bundles include zero set up charges plus a 30–day money–back guarantee. Website Hosting France’s common reply–back time is usually 20 mins.
Compare our prices
- Look into our prices and choose the top web hosting solution for your individual or business websites. You can transition to a more feature–rich package with only a click of the mouse.
- Compare our hosting plans
Contact Us
- We’re available for you in working hours to reply to just about any inquiries about Website Hosting France’s cloud web hosting service.