The Website Hosting France Website Control Panel is one of the critical features of our Linux cloud hosting packages platform. It represents a new and intuitive method for managing your sites and everything associated with them. We have included all the features that you require for your everyday website administration necessities.

One of the most essential attributes of the Website Hosting France Website Control Panel is that it’s the only Website Control Panel that you’ll need – you will no longer need to sign in to different places. You can finally administer your domain names, your sites and your payment transactions from one place. Scroll down to see what else we have included for you.

File Manager

Manage your website content right from your Website Control Panel

When you work with files, you need a simple way to manage them. This is especially true when the files you’re working with are the ones that form your website. For this reason, we’ve built our own File Manager. With it, you will gain swift access to every feature by using our right–click context menus and our fast access icons.

With our File Manager, you’ll be able to also pick and update multiple files, to unzip zipped archives, to upload and move files around by simply dragging them into the preferred location and much more.

File Manager

Domains Manager

Manage everything from one location

Our Domains Manager is the only place you need to go to in order to administer your domains. With only a couple of mouse clicks, you can redirect or park domains, update WHOIS details or change DNS records.

And the best part is that, when you’re done, you can instantaneously begin working on your site – you can add new files, create databases or install apps. All thanks to the fact that all the tools are located in one single Website Control Panel.

Domains Manager

Email Account Manager

Working with e–mail boxes can be really simple

Working with electronic mails is easy. However, managing email box accounts can be problematic. This is where our Email Account Manager can come in real handy. It will allow you to not only quickly create new and modify active email mailbox accounts, but to also quickly redirect electronic mails, to create email filters, to activate email spam protection, etc., via a user–friendly user interface.

And if you work with an email client, you can employ our autoconfig scripts for the most widely used e–mail clients for Linux and Windows. All you have to do is download an autoconfig file and your mail client will instantly set up your new email account.

Email Account Manager

A Complimentary Web Site Building Tool

Save cash on web development and design

Why throw away loads of money on hiring a pricey web site designer when you can accomplish everything alone in exactly the same period of time?

In the Website Control Panel you will find a fully featured Complimentary Web Site Building Tool. It is simple to use, requires no previous experience in PHP, HTML or CSS, comes with one hundred customizable design templates available in different color styles and features a fully featured WYSIWYG (What–You–See–Is–What–You–Get) editor.

A Complimentary Web Site Building Tool

Marketing Tools

Market your sites via an intuitive interface

To help you more effectively advertise your web site to customers and rank higher in search engines, we have created a collection of cost–free Internet marketing tools, which come with our Website Control Panel – a Sitemap Generator, an RSS News tool and a GeoIP forwarding tool.

Each of these tools has been developed by Website Hosting France with one single goal in mind – to offer you full functionality, wrapped in a user interface that can be easily utilized by everybody.

Marketing Tools

Dropbox backups

Send backups to your Dropbox account automatically

If you’ve got a Dropbox account, you already know how useful their platform is. Now you can connect your Website Control Panel with your Dropbox account and take full advantage of your Dropbox remote data backup space. With one click of the mouse, you can back up your website and your databases, which will be saved in your Dropbox account.

And even if you create a Dropbox backup, we will also continue to back up your content on our servers on a regular basis.

Dropbox backups

Database Manager

Database administration has never been simpler

Almost every single web app needs databases to store data. For this reason, we offer you an intuitive interface – the Database Manager, from where you can manage all your existing databases, be that MySQL databases or PgSQL databases.

With only one click, you can back up entire databases, log in the phpPgAdmin/phpMyAdmin tools, modify database access passwords and much more.

Database Manager

Website Accelerator Programs

Enhance your online performance with our website accelerator tools

The faster your website loads, the better. But at one point, you will have to fine–tune the source code. And this is when you can take full advantage of our selection of Website Accelerator Programs, which consists of Node.js, Memcached and Varnish.

With their help, you will be able to pull some extra power out of the machine your web site is located on and to boost your site’s loading speed significantly.

Website Accelerator Programs
  • Help Center
  • Site Optimization Tools

  • The Control Panel comes with a collection of Site Optimization Tools such as an RSS News Feeds tool, a Sitemap Generation tool plus a GeoIP redirection tool that will help you popularize your web sites.

  • Easy to Install
  • Online Site Installer

  • Get your WordPress, Joomla or any other application based website online with simply a click. Just pick your style and web site name and we will launch your Internet presence online quickly. No special computing skills will be required from you.

  • 24x7 Suport
  • Complimentary Web Site Building Tool

  • Launch your completely new individual or small business web site with just a click of the mouse. No computer programming capabilities required. Follow a number of easy steps to make your pages. Upload pics and video clips with simply a mouse click.

  • Service guarantees

  • Our bundles include zero set up charges plus a 30–day money–back guarantee. Website Hosting France’s common reply–back time is usually 20 mins.
  • Compare our prices

  • Look into our prices and choose the top web hosting solution for your individual or business websites. You can transition to a more feature–rich package with only a click of the mouse.
  • Compare our hosting plans
  • Contact Us

  • We’re available for you in working hours to reply to just about any inquiries about Website Hosting France’s cloud web hosting service.